Friday 9 March 2012

[hierakonpolis: city of the hawk]

Map of Hierakonpolis from the website reviewed

For our group project my group is focusing on cemeteries in Hierakonpolis or the City of the Hawk in what is now southern Egypt. Using our rubric I took a look at a website on the same site (here's the link  The website has a lot of information but it's not organized in a manner that would encourage the viewer to continue reading, it's very drawn out and not broken up in a way that would draw attention to any specific section or interesting information. There is no citations at all but it does mention the Nekhen website which my group was planning to use for the more up to date information on the excavations at Hierakonpolis. The website has a two images, a map of the site and a detail of the Narmer palette, neither are really explained or used in the best manner and the website could have definitely used more images. Overall, the information on the site, the grammar and the spelling are all good just the mechanics and appearance of the page could have been done a lot better.

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