Monday 27 February 2012

[gay caveman??]

Well this is interesting...

I searched in google and found a bunch of articles on the 'gay caveman' and I think the most interesting article was the one in the National Post that describes how the 'gay caveman' could quite possibly not be gay and is certainly not a caveman. The whole idea of gender and sexual orientation can be a very difficult concept for people and is still causing controversy (in terms of homosexuality) around the world.  

I think that when trying to assign gender to remains there are a lot of things that need to be considered and in the National Post article they mention that it is possible that the remains although believed to be male could have been female or intersex. The article also mentions how people may have jumped to conclusions before all the research could be completed. I also liked how the article discussed the importance and ramifications of finding a homosexual or transgender individual would have on the LGBT movement. How it could establish the biological nature of homosexuality and thus help people understand that it's not something necessarily something people chose, that is not a 'phase' or something that can be changed. The whole concept is incredibly interesting to me and I'm definitely going to follow up on the research being done on the specific site in Prague and possible other sites or individual remains.

Here's a link to the article from the National Post:

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