Friday 27 January 2012

[grave goods]

It's awfully weird to think about what I would want my grave to look like when I'm gone, but there are definitely  a few items that I would want to include, ranging from sentimental items to gifts from family members that I cherish. First off, I would want to wear every piece of nice jewellery that anyone in my family has ever given me. Accumulating to 4 rings,  3 necklaces and 2 bracelets. I would never wear all of this in one day but each item I feel would be a nice way to connect myself, even after death, to my family. As for sentimental items, I would want items like a favourite album or book, maybe journals that I have written.

My family, specifically my parents, would probably not put all of the items that I've mentioned in my grave unless I specifically mentioned to them. They would chose maybe one or two pieces of jewellery, if any. On a side note, being slightly obsessed with mummies and Ancient Egypt I would totally want my body to be mummified, but I think my parents would probably choose cremation or inhumation.

The identity that I would chose to represent myself is more intimate and personal, centered around how I see myself and the connections I want to take with me. I believe the identity that others would chose to represent would still be a true representation of me but it would only be the aspect that I show to others rather than a more complete picture. In other words it would be more like a snapshot rather than a movie, a piece of the pie rather than the whole thing.

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